“Move That Dirt” Day

Update: 9.28.20   “Though there were only two of us moving the dirt, we were able to get them smoothed out and set for the winter within the 2 hours. Many thanks to Stephen Glass (Dental Director) of Mountain Family Health Centers, for showing up with rake...

Drying Herbs

“Save my herbs!” Cold temperatures are fast approaching, so you need to start thinking about either bringing your herbs indoors or harvesting. If you plan on drying your herbs, here is an easy way to accomplish it: Make sure to rinse them off and tap dry....

Growing Food and Growing Gardeners

Erika Strote Colorado State University Extension Master Gardener in Larimer County Kids are natural-born gardeners. They are more than willing to get wet and dirty, their fingers are just the right size for poking holes in the soil to plant seeds, and they delight in...
Container Gardening

Container Gardening

Growing vegetables in containers is becoming extremely popular. Container vegetable gardening is a viable solution for small urban lots, patios and balconies. The following space-thrifty varieties thrive in containers. Tomatoes – Any determinate variety will most...